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Showing posts from April, 2021

The HolyGhost key.

 (A true life story) by Praises Chidera Obiora A pastor who was praying in his church, received a call from his wife. She told him the kids were all sent home from school for their school fees. She told him she had gone back to the school to beg the management for some more time to pay up, but they had refused.  The pastor had some amount of money with him - thirty thousand naira in total. He told his wife to wait at the school while the children returned back to class.  "I am coming to pay something. Give the principal the phone let me talk to him." He  instructed. The phone was handed over to the principal and the pastor told the principal to allow his children attend lessons. "I am coming to drop something sir. I am on my way please. Let them return to class. I do not want them to miss classes." He said.  The principal agreed. Quickly the pastor picked the amount of money and flagged down a taxi. He announced his destination to the driver and the journey began. W

How a Pastor Stole a $25,000.00 Open Bank Cheque During Dinner in Member's House

  A Successful Nigerian couple invited the Pastor of their Church for dinner in their home in California, United States of America. After the Pastor left, the couple realized their cheque had disappeared. The man said to his wife; “I think the Pastor has stolen the $25,000.00 open bank check that I kept here on the table of which I had the intention to give to him”. Angrily his wife exclaimed; “Hmmmm! All of them are just the same. If they are not fake, they are thieves. There is no need to invite him again, we shall from henceforth be attending another Church”. Two Months Later, the woman met the Pastor on a certain street and was courageous enough to face him and said: “Good morning Pastor, you have surely realised that we no longer attend Church, this is because we're angry with you. The day you ate in our house, there was a $25,000.00 open bank check on the table but unfortunately it disappeared while we we're eating. You were the only Person who visited our house at that t


  Anointing is something we don't often do.  Yet, there is so much power in it! I have read the Bible so many times, yet I have never seen the part about anointing the sick, as it stands in James 5. Scripture:   James 5: 13  Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.  14   Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.   15   And the prayer offered in faith will make them well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Please do not let the above sentence refrain you from anointing someone.  It is not only the elders of the church that can anoint.  Jesus said that we must be His disciples here on earth.  And if you are His disciple, you can and must anoint someone! WHO CAN BE ANOINTED? Any person can be anointed!  It is not necessary for the person to be sick.  If someone is going through a bad time you can anoint t


KEEP IT SECRET IT IS YOUR SECRET..  is a bedroom thing... It is meant to be  within the hidden cotton and not to be made open. ♨️ It is a secret ! Things you need to keep within your self. It is for yourself. ♨️ If it  were to be for all, The trumpet would have been blown for the world to hear it๐ŸŽบ ๐Ÿ’ฅBut now I adjure you... ♨️ Keep your secret Those matters of destiny is your secret... Keep them to yourself. ♨️It is for personal consumption, Keep it for yourself. It is for your making. Keep it for yourself. It is for your prunning. ๐ŸŒนKeep it for yourself. ♨️It is for your preparation Keep it to yourself Don't make it open yet. Till it open itself. Can you make yourself this favour? To keep it for yourself. It's your secret Keep it ‼️ ๐Ÿ“Œ Deuteronomy 29:29 KJV The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. ♨️You don't make impacts or affect lives in Kin


 you can't be a child of God, get married the the Devil and expect God to be your father.... light and darkness can not be inlaw.๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘บ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ’€