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Showing posts from February, 2020


HEAVEN LAUGHED AT THEM. wolf in sheep clothes Appointed By Men Yet God Is Disappointed In Them. Received several applause yet heaven wail greatly over their down fall because they couldn't applaud God in return. Well Respected in both high and low places of life because of their spiritual jamboree and religious charisma . Their shoulder bones rise in pride on hearing " man of God please help me, prophet please help me" Taking the place of God in the heart of the people. Mounting the pulpit with Ego full of self and flesh. Putting Trust in the power of the sacrifice made at the alter before Dawn... Hoping to produce miracles, signs and wonders...but at last fake it make it... They have exchanged the power of God for something micro...  traded their manhood for mantle.. What came with them superceeds what the world promised to give to them yet they sold their birthright only to perform instant miracles.. They claim to have Been with the Lord, yet