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Showing posts from October, 2018


SPIRITUAL DIET Why wasting away looking for attention were your presence is not needed? Oyine, go to were you're celebrated as king. ... The earth is too wide to be struggling with others in their own palace. go get your own palace secured, live them alone they are not your God. Were you hit by this bullet ? Act now God is waiting for you to take your throne as king for many to be blessed.  Please share and recommend.

Uncommon favour......plan and pray to attend.


Hackers are now actively going into facebook to hacked FB accounts. They spread pornographic and sex videos using your name and send them to all your  FB friends without your knowledge. You won't see these sex videos but others would. So, if you have received such videos under my name AUDU-WAR SIMON, please note that they weren't sent by me. Also don't accept another friend request pls, its not from me. And for you hackers beware, madness is the penalty..